National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Logo

Major William Thomas Chapter, NSDAR

St. Mary's City, Maryland


The chapter meets on the third Saturday of September, October, November, February, March, April, and May at 11 a.m.

For information about upcoming meetings please use the Contact us link. 

Events with an * are local chapter events only.

2023-2024 Events

9 September - State Fall Forum

11 September - Patriot Day

16 September - Fall kickoff meeting*

17 September - Constitution Week kickoff, Bells Across America ceremony*

17-23 September - Constitution Week

8 October - NSDAR Day of Prayer

11 October - NSDAR Day of Service - Chapter evening of service*

14 October - Founders Day

21 October - Meeting with Chapter birthday*

11 November - Veterans Day Parade*

18 November - Meeting with program from St. Mary's County K-9 Unit*

16 December - Holiday Party - 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party*

17 February - Meeting with program: George & Martha's Love Story*

20 February - President's Day

15 March - Meeting and with conservation program from Calvert Marine Museum*

29 March - National Vietnam War Veterans Day

20 April - Meeting with program TBD*

4 May - National Day of Prayer

16 May  - 119th Maryland State Conference

25 May - Maj. Wm. Thomas Chapter Awards and Community Awards Luncheon*

May 29 - Memorial Day

June 11 - Flag Day

26-30 June - 133rd Continental Congress

4 July - Independence Day